
Meaning of the junction between the fellow very much, including:

1. Spoken language (junction through speech) terlahirnya various languages ​​of the world different, Subhaanallooh!.

2. Language Writing (spelling hookup script which can be understood by each), as a replacement, reinforcement and continuation of oral.

3. Sign Language (all who dikelarkan with anggahota behavior that has its own meaning, for example: Wink eyes of a male to female or a friend has a different meaning. Women in potonya berisyarat round thumb with index finger together to make a circle O, showed he still own / have not got a husband / boyfriend and other contoh2. menggunak a'doil Sign language with khowas (tool often used for something dibadan us, could with the hand: bertelunjuk, mengepalkanya and others, can goggle kedipnya / absence, until there is a song: "blinking eye", the head of NOD / absence, and other anggahota. Also there is a special gesture language made orang2 shown that do'if (weak) due to disease or congenital oral qudrat.

4. Language behavior: (a person's behavior can connote tesendiri) , example: "Every meet the A longer hold his head", can mean confusion or thinkers hold that is not kesampaikan. Person A continues back and forth to the toilet, the sign anymore pain. Seeing someone else cry, sad sign lg. The philosopher of science: "Whatever we do can contain its own meaning dihadagan others ", spitting, coughing, dehem and others, as well as other contoh2.

5. Language Huruj Min Qowaid (non-significant linkage with the words, spoken or gesture and behavior but it can make people change), examples of a variety of sounds make us change like: tiba2 hear people laugh at night when the lonely, so scared. Hearing loss can be carried by the music changes, both to the rhythm / hate for the music and not like other examples. Although the science bilagah: language many kelasifikasinya: there is a parrot (obviously) / His opponent (not clear), Maknawiyah (meaning, intent and purpose), Bade (Parable), Arud (Hymns), Istiqof, Maqulat and others. Well what about us? Learn Yu to keep our language is not arbitrary in front of anyone!. Here the picture he sent Rosululloh SAW morality. Let's raise more practice!.

When connected with other creatures, need to be studied:

6. Language Animals / Animals (anything released by animals like the sound of chicken, goats, dogs and other animals. Subhaanalloh!. If it can not be understood so that we better know and understand something clearly and many of the benefits.

7. Language objects (things that happen to objects), for example: we use the motor, the more fun life, suddenly dead in the street, the sign for food / abis gasoline / are damaged and other things. More and more schools of the benefits!

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